Upgrade Flotation Wear Parts
Many parts in stock for WEMCO, Galigher & Denver Styles:
- Standpipes
- Skirts
- Rotors
- Diffusers
- Impellers
- Dart Valves & Seals
- Piping
- Throttling Valves

Working directly with mining operations, Townley pioneered the Towniprene® urethane formulation for flotation cells more than fifty years ago. Upgrading from OEM rubber materials, these engineered parts have provided improved wear life in all flotation circuits.
- Towniprene® urethane provides improved abrasion performance with fine feed found in the flotation process
- Towniprene® urethane is naturally resistant to the chemical degradation caused by reagents used in the separation process
- Perfect fit and simple robust construction means trouble-free service
- Metal inserts are integrated where mechanical strength is required
Wemco Style
Parts available for these models: Attrition machine #10, #56, #66, #66B, #76, #84, #120, #144, #164, and #225
Galigher Style
Parts available for these models: #24, #36, and #48 in the standard impeller and Chili-X style with stabilizers Agitair Series 100 to 500 cubic foot cells Impellers and stabilizers.
Denver Style
Parts available for these models: D30, DF30, D24, DF24, DR24, D18, DF18, DR18, D14, DF14, DR300, DR500
- Impeller
- Diffuser
- Paddles
- Hood
- Standpipe bell
- Dart valve
- Dart seat
Additional Styles
Call us, as we are adding new parts and materials every day